Administration - bannière

School Transportation Services - Our Team

School Transportation Services - Our Team

Asset Publisher

Julie Bureau Superintendent
Lorraine Brodeur Technician
Jessica Massé Office Agent

Pour rejoindre le transport scolaire

To contact us for any questions, comments or concerns, please send us an email and we will be happy to assist you!

  418-688-8730 x 5

  EMERGENCY ONLY: 418-688-8730 ext. 5 then dial 1 (outside school hours)



The Mozaïk Parent Portal will now be available for parents to access up-to-date school transportation information for their child, ensuring you're always in the know about their bus details.

If you are new to CQSB and do not have a parent account yet, it is important that you create your account to access this information. If you do not know your child’s student ID number to link them to your profile, please contact your child’s school.

As of August 16, 2024, all school bus information will be available on Mozaïk portal-parent. The transportation services team is working hard to complete the routes and provide you with the information as soon as possible.

In Mozaïk portail-parent, under the "dossier/records" tile, select "transport" in the drop-down box. Details of bus numbers, stops and times will be available.

Students who qualify for school transportation under the school transportation eligibility policy are automatically registered for morning and evening transportation unless they are registered for daycare services.

In the case of shared custody, each parent only sees the child's transportation data in relation to his or her own address.



Quebec City region:        RTC INFO - Memo for added temporary RTC location

South Shore region:        STLévis INFO - Message for the withdrawal of the Parliament Routes

Saguenay region:             STS INFO

***Note if public transportation is not available in your area, please verify the busing information found on the Mozaïk Portail or contact us for more information.

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