SHS Green Team

SHS Green Team

If you want to learn more about recycling to become"THE king of recycling",  watch this awesome video.


SHS Green Team Mandate


Founded in 2007, the SHS Green Team promotes environmentally respectful behaviour in our school by organizing activities and projects for the entire SHS community.

Since 2007, the Green Team has been providing environmentally-friendly alternatives or new ways of doing things.

Our Green Team is made up of student representatives from Grades 3 to Secondary 5, and teachers.

Green Team representatives and other students participate in global conferences such as the David Suzuki Water Conference and world-wide initiatives such as Earth Hour and Earth Day.

We believe that reducing our impact on the Earth is a shared responsibility.

Here is a sampling of our recent activities :

  • Electronic communication with parents (including report cards)
  • Electronic registration
  • Created a vermi-composter for the school cafeteria
  • Created a school-wide recycling program that includes paper, plastic, metal, pop cans, batteries and ink cartridges
  • Manage a used book and media fair every year
  • Organize a toy-drive for charity every Christmas
  • Eliminated disposable dishes and utensils from the school cafeteria
  • Promote Earth Hour every year by creating videos, writing letters, doing presentations
  • Organizes an annual Earth Day school yard clean-up
  • Attended a world-wide Water Management Conference hosted by David Suzuki
  • Attended the Al Gore Climate Change Conference
  • Celebrate tree month every year by distributing and planting over 200 trees
  • Created the "Enough Stuff" board game
  • Maintains the school flower bed
  • We walk to school trips when the distance permits it
  • Organize litterless lunch competitions
  • Planted the 2013 SHS new landscaping on the front of the school
  • Organize a yearly raffle to generate funds for outdoor furniture such as picnic tables and  benches
  • The school is cleaned with bio products

And over 500 more projects!

Litterless Lunches!!

Litterless lunches are not only better for the environment, but they can also be healthier for your children.Please help support our campaign by sending a litterless lunch or reducing the amount of packaging you send in your child's lunch. Click on the links below to read an article on packing a litterless lunch as well as to see a month of sample menus to give you ideas. Thank you for supporting Green School and making a better choice for the environment!

Click on the links below to read an article on packing a litterless lunch as well as to see a month of sample menus to give you ideas.

Thank you for supporting Green School and making a better choice for the environment!