Hands Off Policy
You may expect to receive a notification if your child has contravened our Hands Off Policy. Below, on the pyramid of interventions, you will be able to see where your child is situated according to the policy.
We encourage parents to remind their children of the importance of playing safely and respecting everyone's personal space.
Guidelines students must respect:
No student is to touch another student in a manner judged inappropriate by staff.
No student uses any form of physical restraint against other students, even in "fun" or as a "practical joke."
Rough-housing and play-fighting will not be tolerated.
Verbal and written violence is considered in the same manner as physical violence.
We encourage parents to remind their children of the importance of playing safely and respecting everyone's personal space.
Guidelines students must respect:
No student is to touch another student in a manner judged inappropriate by staff.
No student uses any form of physical restraint against other students, even in "fun" or as a "practical joke."
Rough-housing and play-fighting will not be tolerated.
Verbal and written violence is considered in the same manner as physical violence.

After a month without an infraction, the student’s pyramid will reset to an earlier stage.